速報APP / 商業 / Knack > For Business.

Knack > For Business.



檔案大小:50 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 9.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Knack > For Business.(圖1)-速報App


Easily create and track prospects and clients. You can use the app on the go, generating quotes quickly and sending them directly from the app. Make sure that a prospect never gets forgotten about again.

Knack > For Business.(圖2)-速報App


Create quotes, invoices, statements and financial reports with a simple, adaptable system. From fast quoting, to stock management and automated invoice scheduling, the advanced features of Knack make it critical to a growing business.

Knack > For Business.(圖3)-速報App


Create and manage projects and tasks with just a few taps. You can record your task times, generate timesheets, and automatically schedule regular projects and tasks. The integrated team collaboration tools let you add as many users as you need to any project.

Knack > For Business.(圖4)-速報App

Team Collaboration

Chat to your co-workers or staff directly in Knack, send them files, and collaborate on tasks, projects and clients to make sure that your work is done quickly and efficiently.

Knack > For Business.(圖5)-速報App


Upgrade to Knack PRO and get a range of automation features to automatically schedule invoices, projects, tasks, statements, reports and a wide range of additional functions. Let Knack do the work for you, so you can concentrate on growing your business and doing a great job!

Knack > For Business.(圖6)-速報App
